Clear Sky Gathering ONLY
January 10, 2025
Enter Before Sunset, Gate Closes at Sunset
Gate opening 6:00-6:10 PM
Gate Opening 7:00-7:10 PM
Heated bathroom access till 10:00 PM
No overnight Observing visitors must vacate by 12:00 PM
Arrive before sunset : Gate Closes at Sunset
If you arrive and gate is not open, line up on right side of entrance driveway.
Gate open 6:00-6:10 PM
Gage opens again 7:00-7:10 PM
No Entrance after 7:10 PM,
(headlights coming up the hill destroy dark adaptation)
Park is closed after sunset (usually 5:00 PM.)
We may have the Discord site operating on a voice & video channel. You might also reach us there.
Members and their guests, Volunteers, Amateurs (from any astronomy group or society, and those interested in membership) are welcome to set up their own personal gear to observe from the amphitheater of the Ryan Observatory. This opportunity provides a secure dark sky location and practice with your equipment. With good conditions, we can see the Milky Way from the Observatory site.
Bring your own personal gear to observe.
A Rittenhouse Representative will be on site at Astronomical Twilight to turn of lighting for deep sky observation and photography.